Sunday, February 25, 2007

History Shapes The Way You Look

Recently, this advertisement has been shown quite frequently on Channel 5.

At first glance, it is one of those painfully clichéd advertisements designed to make the viewer feel good about themselves. Afterall in 44 short seconds, it showed the girls heart-wrenchingly triumph over their own insecurities. The advertisement is part of the Dove's campaign to promote increased self esteem among girls in the age, where the idea of beauty invades the lives of young impressionable girls in various mediums.

The campaign which hit Singapore recently, come on the tails of reports of Brazilian model Ana Carolina Reston and Uruguayan model Luisel Ramos' death due to anorexia. In the last few months of her life, Ana Carolina Reston, ate only tomatoes and apples. While it is easy to view these examples as far removed from our realities, you would only need to take a few seconds to look around you.

How pressured are you to live to society's perception of beauty?How pressured are you to dye your hair?Go to the gym, to lose weight, gain muscles? Simply because your friends are?

We all have heard that during the Tang Dynasty, the ideal beauty was Ms Yang Guifei, a favorite, plump concubine of the Emperor Xuanzong. It was allegedly because of her that Tang beauties were depicted as round, plump women in contrast to the earlier Tang period where the ideal beauty were women with slender figures. We have also heard of 1950's Hollywood icon, Miss Norma Jean aka Marilyn Monroe who on her official website, was described as "personified Hollywood glamour with an unparalleled glow and energy that enamored the world. Although she was an alluring beauty with voluptuous curves".

What caused this change? When did the skinny woman become the beauty of our society?

One of the most prominent actresses that changed the conception of style and beauty was Audrey Hepburn who was the complete opposite of her contemporaries Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor. By 50's standards, Audrey Hepburn seemed too tall and too skinny. However, Hepburn captivated the audiences with her slender figure, perfect posture, graceful movements and aristocratic manners, presenting the public with a new ideal of woman. In fact, she would come to represent not only a new look but also a new femininity.

Cecil Beaton, an English fashion and portrait photographer wrote that "Audrey Hepburn's appearance succeeds because it embodies the spirit of today. She had … the striking personality that best exemplifies our new Zeitgeist. Nobody ever looked like her before World War II; it is doubtful if anybody ever did. Yet we recognize the rightness of this appearance in relation to our historical needs. And the proof is that thousands of imitations have appeared."

What was this "historical need" that he mentioned? At what point of history did Hepburn emerge and what did the different image she portrays signify for women?

The World Wars were important turning points in history, not only in terms of politics but also in the social cultural realm, particularly the Second World War. Hepburn, herself was the product of poverty and malnutrition, while living in the Nazi occupied Holland during the Second World War.

Before the war few women followed careers. Most jobs for women were ‘traditional’ roles such as nursing, secretarial or caring jobs. However, with millions of men joining the armed forces, more workers were needed to fill their places in the factories. This changed the traditional views of women. Job opportunities in ammunitions factories for working-class women allowed them to earn a much higher wage than before. Women became machinists, lumberjacks, dockers and railway engineers. Attitudes changed – people supported these changes. In the United States alone, saw the number of women employed in the shipbuilding increased from 39 to 200,000 by 1943.

Because of the changing social and economic role of women, the way women presented themselves (i.e.: the way they dressed) went through a radical change. The First World War (1914-1918) had a pronounced effect on women's fashion in the Western world, particularly hemlines. Hems rose to mid calf length by 1916. Large numbers of women were recruited into military organizations on all sides, and put into a variety of uniforms, which also influenced the shape of fashionable dress. Women were literally, as well as figuratively, wearing the trousers.

During the inter-war years, trousers for women became acceptable for the upper classes. When the Second World War broke out, women and utility trousers became inseparable. Women's clothing went through the greatest changes in, both due to shortages, and due to large numbers of women engaging in work outside the home during the war. In fact, men's suits were re-cut into women's suits, complete with the tailored details and shoulder padding previously found in the male garments.

Thus perhaps, when the war ended, the need to move away from the traditional physical conception of beauty saw the shift of an "ideal woman" move away from Marilyn to Audrey. However it should be kept in mind that in contrast to the emancipated models of today, Hepburn looked the way she did due to circumstance, and not design.


Anonymous said...

Well, with this mind, the world is full of Artificial flavourings, where people see perfection as a form of being SLim , beautiful meaning no Ugly-ness. Muscles, height and so on so forth. this has been drilled into our minds since the first time we see the world as it is. Not to have the above features is being ugly.

Personally the Dove commercial actually has 2 effects. One visible and what Dove wants to acheive- to tell consumers that by using Dove products you will be beautiful. And the second that DOve does not know is that this commercial actually does shape the people's mindset. We will actually start to think about inner beauty. That commercial sparked off my thoughts that , YEs we are beautiful in every way . Our dreams our beliefs, do not need to be just beautiful in that physical aspect.

Well, if noticed recently, there has been a commercial showing on channel 5 about a new show called"Ugly like Betty". It depicts the showing fashion of being able to stand out honestly being "ugly" and to be proud of it.

Even though i have not yet to read its details about this particular show. but i believe that this show would soon spark off to woman who are not accepted as "beautiful" that they can stand out the way they are.

After all, how will we really know what's beautiful? There's no correct answer after all. It all lies in 2 things. How you see things and how Influences since the day you see the world affects you.

Just like how my mother would say, don't take lift with Blangadeshis. because of this scary line, i saw Blangadeshis as kidnappers. See the effect. Of course one will know in real life blangadeshis are not. but seeing this effect can tell us how we are easily influence by the word of mouth , when we are innocent.

So parents have a part to play to tell kids to accept themselves for who they are , because they are beautiful in every single way. The parents have the headstart of this if they do not want their kids to be Superficial in the future.

Personally i feel that History of Beauties would only have negative effects on teh future young ones as they start to idolise these oldern beauties and slim figures.

-F.C Wolfgang

Anonymous said...

i love the advertisment! it does bring across the fact that everyone wants to look pretty. and the definition of pretty (for girls) is simply, BEING THIN AND THINNER. size 0 is the new desired size! it is so true that every other girl is stick-thin and flat-chested and yet, they are called MODELS. where is the figure?! the hour-glass figure? we have the 'BE AS THIN AS U CAN BE' figure nowadays. blame this on designers who only design for dead-skinny models!

i think it is really a terrible phemenomem as we are talking about lives being lost here. models are losing their lives just so they can keep their rice bowls. irony! can you imagine wat if GUYS MODELS start to lose weight and they too, desire to be size 0? i hope this will never happen!

so the saying goes, innner beauty wins over outer beauty. is it still valid in our society today?

everyone, live the life u want. skinny or not skinny, i think health is still the most impt. so wat if u are skinny and full of diseases?! i rather be fat, ugly, healthy BUT HAPPY(:


Anonymous said...

I actually quite like this advertisment.yup, agree that beauty is subjective. but i don't think the idea is new, is it? we've been hearing things like "be yourself", "beauty comes from within" for ages! yes, and we must consider that after all, this is still an advert. And i am sure the advertisers would not simply go out on the streets and just randomly pick a few people for their ad and say they are beautiful. Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

It's not really history but time that shapes our perception of what should be deemed as aesthetically desirable.

Personally, i have nothing against people who try to be thin and i think we should just stop blaming the "waif revolution" for the increasing pressure to be thin. It doesn't just stem from the media. They are other factors involved too.


Just imagine what the marketing ppl are thinking before deciding to film this commercial: our target audience should be fat, ugly, short etc people who have low self-esteems.

And just to harp on something more irrelevant. THE DAMN PEOPLE IN THE COMMERCIALS DON'T HAVE PIMPLES.

Anonymous said...

with reference to the audrey hepburn theory and how she fits in with the then, historical need.

So what's the historical need of today???

let's see...we have ultra skinny models and now we're seeing the rise of plus-size models as well. Maybe we're telling the USA to stop their disgustingly exponentially-increasing rates of consumption and distribute food equally with the rest of the world?

afterall, USA is THE ONE with the highest obesity rate.that fat arse.

Anonymous said...

It is a truly significant matter to discuss about..
about how girls do extreme stuffs to themselves jus so they look good..
heck, they look better without makeup on them, except for the usual ones who with makeup or without still will not cahnge my mind on how bad they look..

its stupid if u think abt it.. you pay money to eat, then u throw up.. what is the deal with that? u give more, for less..

to hell with this attitude i would say..

but then again, we're becoming a society where beauty isnt in the eyes of the beholder.. it doesnt matter whether this dove advertisement comes up to educate ppl.. it doesnt matter if someone good looking tells them they look like shit..

it only matters when its them that are in the spotlight.. i might look at your skinny arse and say u look like crap, but you wouldnt care would you? that is if u categorise yourself into the above category..

Four words: to hell with USA.. they start the image, they start everything..

to think of it, everything is because of USA.. like they say, when USA sneezes, the world catches a cold..

Anonymous said...

yes...i agree that these world is obessed with looking beautiful. everyone is going crazy...haha. model are going SUPER skinny...then some even die frm being skinny...thus this world is crazy. but some countries ban SUPER skinny model frm going onto the is turning back to normal.

Anonymous said...

the perception of women have changed overtime due to the wars where women had to take over the duties of men. but what if wars did not happen?? would women be still the traditional kind???

Anonymous said...

Its true that teenagers pay alot of attention to how they look.This is mainly due to the peer pressure that they face especially wen they are surronded by friends who are much better looking then them.So it is natural for every girl who want to look good to take the extra effort to make their dream come true.

Anonymous said...

It's certainly tough being a woman in a modern world today. Not only you need to be smart, you need to be in good shape and look good. (thanks to media influence=/) So kudos to the dove advertisement which recognised the majority of us - the so-called real women. haha!

Anonymous said...

actually i like the 'dove' advertisement.. the song is veri nice.. "i see ur true colours shinning through..." the ad actually contains poproganda to promote self-esteem..

beauties in the olden ages are mostly slim and skinny..this greatly affects the youths nowadays.. as most of them will tend to portrait the image that beauty=skinny.. therefore i agree that history help to set the foundation of how people looks.. but there are others factors influencing how people looks.. like the ads today that have celebrities endorsing slimming products are all tall and skinny.. this in turn will make the youths to follow this phenomenon..

Anonymous said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... many role "models" of beauties are just certain strereotypes which people have... there is no real definition of beauty in this world... -KengHee-

Anonymous said...

I don't really understand the link between history n the image the women are protraying today. But I believe that some women gain their self-esteem after they had slimed down. After they have slimed down, they will be confident about the things they do and feel good.

So I think Dove had done the right think by promoting to increase self-esteem among girls, as girls feel the worst during this age.

Anonymous said...

we women are constantly being more concious on how we look.. who is this for? its to satisfy the men.. to increase our confidence when talking to them...and to look good in front of them.. so who do we blame for these girls who are still not satisfied?

thats for those who are narrow minded and dont give two hoots about themselves..

to be continue ms lums counting..